Methods diagnosis and treatments in the dento-maxillary rehabilitation in congenital edentation.


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In the specifics of complex dental treatment, the particularities of orthodonto – orthopedic emphasize both the prophylactic and the oral rehabilitation of the dento-maxillary apparatus for congenital edentation. Respecting the functional principles helps us to form a staged treatment until we have the integrity of the dental arches and a correct functional occlusion keeping the keys and curves of occlusion in the vertical, sagittal and transverse plane.

In this paper, we will demonstrate the complex treatment of malocclusions following the Angle classification associated with congenital edentation of different Kennedy classes till full edentulism. The complex treatment aspect will end with a correct occlusal dynamics because it refers to a series of orthodonto – orthopedic that have tangent with functional occlusal rehabilitation.

Key words: Staging, occlusion, functional occlusion, malocclusion, edentation, dento-maxillary apparatus.

Material and methods.

The clinical and paraclinical examination will show us a diagnosis of the cases presented and the elucidation of a staged treatment of different age patients. The study included 48 patients, 31 women and 17 men. Patients were divided into four groups depending on the age: 6-13 years – 9 patients, 14 – 19 years 12 patients, 20 – 31 years – 11 patients and 31 – 75 years – 16 patients.

The examination of the patients in all four groups was complex and supplemented with para-clinical elements: photostatic, biometric, radiological (lateral profile teleradiography and conical beam computed tomography).


The stages of orthodonto-orthopedic diagnosis and treatment consist of the application of methods that will restore the function of the dento – maxillary apparatus by: prophylactic methods that will be performed with morphofunctional devices up to a certain age, dental malocclusions associated with the partial edentulism will be treated orthodontically and prosthetic, be replaced with partial and skeletal prostheses, implanto – prosthetic treatment will prevail in the rehabilitation of the integrity of dental arches, the treatment of complete edentulism will be performed with completely removable prostheses and with implant support.


The motivation variability of staged, complex diagnosis and treatment in prosthetic dentistry will change the pathological occlusion in a physiological one and the edentulous prosthetic field will provide us with a series of functional prosthetic elements that will stabilize the integrity of the dental arches forming a new morphological aspect of the dento – maxillary apparatus.  

Participați la Congresul StomaConnect 2024

Educație, Măiestrie și Cultură alături de Colegiul Medicilor Stomatologi Iași

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