Medicină Dentară, Ortodontie, Pediatrie

Mini-invasive dentistry and laser technology in Dental Trauma


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In Paediatric Dentistry, dental traumas are very common and they represent a real emergency. Maxillary central incisors (50%) and maxillary lateral incisors (30%) are the teeth most frequently affected, in primary and in permanent dentition.

Dental traumas require a precise therapeutic choice in order to promote the correct evolution of dento-alveolar structures. Nowadays, the evolutions of technologies and restorative materials have improved the prognosis in dental trauma, realizing a mini-invasive dentistry with better aesthetic results, if compared to the past.

Laser technology represents a new therapeutic strategy to obtain a better patient’s compliance and a micro-invasive restoration of the traumatized teeth. In fact, laser could simplify and reduce the treatment time, perform, in the same time, decontamination of the treated dental and/or gingival surface, a more conservative preparation in respect of dental anatomy

Laser light is able to produce the phenomenon of photo-bio-stimulation on the irradiated tissues, inducing anti-inflammatory and anti-oedemigenous effects, reducing post-traumatic pain, avoiding the necessity to take medications and promoting tissue repair. Unfortunately, there are no well-coded guidelines for laser applications in these clinical events.

Aim of this lecture is to give some guidelines and protocols with specific doses and application sites.

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